SSD (Solid State Drive) Upgrade

Don’t bring your old PC or Laptop to the dump.

Upgrade it!

If it’s been a while since you purchased your Desktop PC or Laptop there’s

a good chance it could benefit from an SSD (solid state drive) upgrade.

SSDs are the type of storage devices that have in recent years replaced old-fashioned

HDDs (hard disc drives); SSDs are much faster (x10%),

they are silent and they don’t warm up.

This makes them a very significant improvement over the older technology.


Why not ask our qualified technician to carry out an assessment?  It won’t cost you

anything to investigate, and in most cases the cost of upgrading your machine

will be only a fraction of what it would cost to buy a new one. 

You also save yourself the hassle of having to set up a new computer,

transfer files and settings, create backups, etc.

Get it checked out today, and don’t forget:

it won’t cost you a cent to find out!


Ask our qualified technician if your machine is

elligible for an SSD upgrade

We can install a brand new SSD for you at minimal expense;

just visit our contact page and send us a few details of your requirements!