Better Online Security

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How Secure is your Desktop PC or Laptop?

As part of a full Service, we will carry out the following measures:

  • Investigate and optimise firewall-related issues (your Windows firewall may be switched on and working, but how well is your Internet router/Wireless Access Point protecting you from online threats, or even from inquisitive neighbours?);
  • Check for – and resolve conflicts between – any already-installed antivirus programmes, and where necessary, installing free state-of-the-art Internet security software to protect you when you go online;
  • Update Windows to recommended standards – whichever version of Windows you are running it needs to be up-to-date and 100% secure;  if you are still running Windows 7, is it as secure as it needs to be? Despite Microsoft’s ending support for this Operating System which is still widely used today, there are measures that can be taken to keep it secure;
  • Apply security patches to all 3rd party software products – have you got the latest versions of Adobe Flash Player and Java installed?  Multimedia content on the Internet is great but it also represents a real threat to your online security;
  • Apply the latest drivers for your system’s hardware – have these been checked since you purchased your PC/Laptop or since you upgraded to Windows 10? If they are out-of-date they represent a threat to your home or small-office network

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